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Weight(grams): 1000

Dimension: 5 cm (Length) x 5 cm (Width) x 5 cm (Height)

An automotive cabin filter in a car air conditioning (A/C) system is essential for ensuring clean air inside the vehicle. Here’s a brief overview of its role, functions, and maintenance:
Role and Functions
  1. Air Purification: The cabin filter cleans the air that enters the vehicle's interior through the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system by trapping dust, pollen, and other airborne particles.
  2. Odor Removal: Some cabin filters are equipped with activated carbon layers to absorb and reduce odors from outside air and exhaust fumes.
  3. Allergen Reduction: By filtering out allergens like pollen, it helps in providing a healthier environment, especially for passengers with allergies or respiratory issues.
  4. System Protection: It protects the A/C system components, like the blower and evaporator, from dust and debris accumulation, which can improve system efficiency and longevity.
Maintenance Tips
  1. Regular Replacement: Follow the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations for replacing the cabin filter, typically every 12,000 to 15,000 miles (or about once a year). In dusty or polluted environments, more frequent replacement may be necessary.
  2. Check for Signs of Wear: If you notice reduced airflow, unpleasant odors, or increased dust inside the car, it may be time to replace the cabin filter.
  3. DIY Replacement: Most cabin filters are accessible and can be replaced without professional help. Check the vehicle's manual for instructions on locating and replacing the filter.
  4. Use Quality Filters: Opt for high-quality or OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) filters to ensure effective filtration and fit.
  5. Visual Inspection: Periodically inspect the filter for dirt and debris. Even if it hasn't reached the mileage limit, it might need replacement if visibly dirty.
Proper maintenance of the cabin filter ensures cleaner air inside the vehicle, enhances passenger comfort, and helps maintain the A/C system’s efficiency.
Maintenance Steps (Summary)
  1. Locate the cabin filter (typically behind the glove box or under the dashboard).
  2. Remove the old filter.
  3. Insert the new filter, ensuring it is oriented correctly as indicated by airflow direction arrows.
  4. Replace any covers or panels removed during the process.
By keeping the cabin filter in top condition, you can enjoy a cleaner, healthier, and more comfortable driving environment.
  1. 空气净化:空调滤芯通过捕捉灰尘、花粉和其他空气中的颗粒,清洁进入车内的空气。
  2. 去除异味:一些空调滤芯配有活性炭层,可以吸收和减少外界空气和排气中的异味。
  3. 减少过敏原:通过过滤花粉等过敏原,有助于为乘客,特别是有过敏或呼吸系统问题的乘客,提供更健康的环境。
  4. 保护系统:它保护空调系统组件,如鼓风机和蒸发器,防止灰尘和碎屑积累,从而提高系统效率和使用寿命。
  1. 定期更换:遵循车辆制造商的建议,一般每12,00015,000英里(约一年)更换一次。在灰尘多或污染严重的环境中,可能需要更频繁地更换。
  2. 检查磨损迹象:如果注意到气流减少、车内有异味或灰尘增加,可能是更换空调滤芯的时间到了。
  3. 自行更换:大多数空调滤芯可以在无需专业帮助的情况下自行更换。查阅车辆手册,了解滤芯的位置和更换步骤。
  4. 使用优质滤芯:选择高质量或原厂(OEM)滤芯,以确保有效的过滤效果和适配性。
  5. 目视检查:定期检查滤芯的灰尘和碎屑情况,即使未达到行驶里程限制,如果明显脏污,也应及时更换。
  1. 找到空调滤芯(通常在手套箱后面或仪表板下)。
  2. 移除旧滤芯。
  3. 插入新滤芯,确保按气流方向箭头正确安装。
  4. 重新安装更换过程中移除的盖板或面板。